Anna Elisabetha Catherine Stoever1
F, ID# 8221, (1710 - 1750)
Father: | Rev Johann Casper "Augustine" Stoever I (13 Jan 1685 - 10 Mar 1739) |
Mother: | Gertraudt Anna Friese (19 Jan 1687 - 1728) |
Charts: | Juanita Bessie Counts * lineage |
Anna Elisabetha Catherine Stoever was born in 1710 at Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. She was the daughter of Rev Johann Casper "Augustine" Stoever I and Gertraudt Anna Friese. Anna Elisabetha Catherine Stoever married Johann "John" Cuntze (of Frederick), son of Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) and Anna Gertrud Reinschmidt, on 25 Jun 1728 at Earl Town, Lancaster Co, Pennsylvania. Anna Elisabetha Catherine Stoever immigrated on 11 Sep 1728 to Pennsylvania. She died in 1750 at Lancaster, Lancaster Co, Pennsylvania.
Anna Elisabetha Catherine Stoever was also noted as born in Ludorf, Solingen, Germany. She
was married in a ceremony performed by her brother, John Caspar Stöver, junior. Earltown itself, however, was not created until the year after her marriage.
was married in a ceremony performed by her brother, John Caspar Stöver, junior. Earltown itself, however, was not created until the year after her marriage.
Children of Anna Elisabetha Catherine Stoever and Johann "John" Cuntze (of Frederick)
- Nicholas Counts I+ (1730 - a 17 Jun 1797)
- William Henry Counts (26 Mar 1732 - 1814)
- Peter Dietrich Counts (26 Mar 1735 - 1813)
- Jacob Coontz (1737 - 7 Feb 1823)
- Elder John Koontz (26 Mar 1739 - 25 Apr 1832)
- George Koontz (26 Mar 1739 - 1827)
- Michael Counts (1743 - 1803)
- [S488] Counts Family Records.
Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna)1
M, ID# 8222, (22 Mar 1674 - Jan 1731)
Father: | Johannes Cuntze I (c 1645 - 1 May 1675) |
Mother: | Anna Elizabeth "Elsa" Schuster (1643 - 4 May 1675) |
Charts: | Juanita Bessie Counts * lineage |
Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) was christened on 22 Mar 1674 at Oberfischbach, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. He was born on 22 Mar 1674 at Siegen, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. He was the son of Johannes Cuntze I and Anna Elizabeth "Elsa" Schuster. Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) married Anna Gertrud Reinschmidt, daughter of Martinus Reinschmidt, on 7 Feb 1704 at Oberfischbach, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen. Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) immigrated in Apr 1714 to Virginia. He married Catherine Weaver, daughter of John Henry Weaver and Anna Margaret Huffman, in 1724 at Germantown, Fauquier Co, Virginia. Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) died in Jan 1731 at Stafford, Stafford Co, Virginia, at age 56. He was buried in 1731 at Stafford Co, Virginia. His estate was probated on 10 Feb 1731 at Stafford Co, Virginia.
Jost Joseph Cuntze, who was reportedly a third great grandson of Henchin Cuntze, lived in Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, a mountainous area known for mining and smelting. Various sources state Jost was born and lived in the village of Siegen or Muesen in a principality called Nassau-Siegen which existed from 1606 until 1743 and later became part of Siegen-Wittgenstein. Jost's godfather was his mother's brother from Niederndorf. Jost married Anna Gertrud Reinschmidt of Wilden, which is about six miles southeast of Siegen. Two of their children had godparents from Niederndorf and Wilden.
Jost was working as a smith or toolmaker on 1 Jan 1699 when he was a member of Steelsmiths and Toolmakers Guild of Ferndorf, Freunlinberg (Kreuztal) which was ~2.5 miles west of Muesen and ~6 miles north of Siegen. The German miners' and ironworkers' living conditions at the beginning of the eighteenth century were poor due to political, economic and religious circumstances, and the prospect of jobs in America represented a great opportunity.
Jost secured permission to leave Germany on 31 Jul 1713. Jost was the first known member of the Counts family to arrive in America. He is also the first of the Counts family for whom there is primary documentation because he and his family were among a small number of immigrants to the well-researched German colony at Germanna, VA. During the summer of 1713 the immigrants from Germany arrived in London where they stayed until passage was secured; they departed England in Jan 1714. This first group of miners and smiths, included twelve heads of families; this group was of the German Reformed Faith.
Although considerable contradictions exist about the process, timing and purpose of the group's immigration, researchers agree Jost and his family were among the immigrants who arrived in Apr 1714 at Tappahannock, VA on the Rappahannock River and then went about twenty miles west of Fredericksburg, VA to establish the Germanna settlement and Lutheran Reformed Parish on the Rapidan River. The immigrants came on a four-year indenture to work as miners, but because of administrative issues for over the first two years of their indentures, the immigrants cleared land, built homes and a protective stockade, and farmed instead of mining. This settlement later became known as Fort Germanna in present-day Orange Co, VA. Initially the miners planned to mine silver for the George Ritter Company, but their efforts were redirected by Virginia Governor Alexander Spotswood first to mining silver and secondly to finding and mining iron. Jost was noted in Virginia as an iron worker. An extensive and thoroughly researched discussion of the immigration process to the German colony at Germanna, VA; the subsequent move to Germantown, VA; and the headright and land patent system in Virginia by Suzanne Collins Matson, entitled "Who Were the Members of the First Germanna Colony?" is recommended reading.
The three naturalized Germanna settlers -- Jacob Holtzclaw, John Hoffman and John Fishback -- acting as trustees for the group bought 1800 acres from the Northern Neck Proprietors. After dividing the land into equally sized lots, they drew straws to assign the lots to the families. When settlers' indenture was completed, probably in Jan 1719 the Germanna settlers moved as a group to Germantown, in present-day Fauquier Co, VA where they began farming again. On 2 Jun 1724 Joseph Cuntz appeared in court to prove his right to 250 acres land based on his family including “Katherin his wife, John his son, Annalis and Kathirina his daughters.” Of the people who applied for their headrights that day, only two -- Spillman and Fitshback -- had the acreage recorded by the clerk. The certificates to take possession of the land were finally issued 30 May 1729 approximately five years after application. Some of the German immigrants sold their headrights; these actions are inferred from grants subsequently issued by the Crown. On 28 Sep 1732 Laus Crest was granted 200 acres using the headrights of Katherine Cuntz, John Cuntz, Peter Hill and Eliza Hill (likely Peter Hitt and wife Elizabeth.) Richard Tutt used the headrights of Joseph Cuntz and Jacob Halscrow among others to patent 800 acres.
Jost's last wife Catherine is thought to have been the same person as the daughter Catherine of Germanna settlers Jacob and Anna Weaver.
Jost's will was dated 18 Oct 1730 in Stafford Co, VA in which he mentions sons Tillman and Henry, both underage. Concern exists because Jost's will did not note his son Johann; some research presumes Johann had returned temporarily to Germany and thus was not included. Regardless of why he was not in Jost's will, Johann was enumerated with his parents both during the 1714 immigration to America and when application for land was made.
Note Jost is sometime confused with his nephew Johann Jost Cuntze, also known as Joseph Coons, who came from Siegen-Wittgenstein and settled about 1724 in the second Germany colony at Little Fork on the Rappanhannock River near Jeffersonton, Culpeper Co, VA.
Spelling of the Cuntze family name in both Germany and America varied. The earliest records indicate Cuntze which became Kuntze. In Virginia the use of both "C" and "K" was common. Spellings of the Countze name in the US : Conce, Coon, Coonce, Coone, Coones, Coons, Coonts, Coontz, Coonze, Counce, Counse, Counts , Countz, Cuntz, Cuntze, Kontz, Koonce, Koones, Koons, Koonts, Koontz, Koontze, Koonz, Koos, Kounce, Kountz, Kuhns, Kuhnts, Kuentze, Kunce, Kunns, Kuns, Kunst, Kunts, Kuntz, Kuntze, Kunz, Kunze, Kuz.
Detailed sources:
--Friedrich Wilhelm Cuno, Geschichte der Stadt Siegen (1872), p 244.
--H.J. Ruetenik, Bahnbrecher der deutschen Reformierten Kirche in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika (1901), p 81.
--Siegerland: Blätter des Siegerländer Heimatvereins (1926), p 49-54.
--William J. Hinke, The 1714 Colony of Germanna, Virginia (1933), p 121.
--Alfred Lück, Erz und Abenteuer (1955), p 28-30, 70.
--Friedrich Wilhelm Bauks, Die ev. Pfarrer in Westfalen von der Reformationszeit bis 1945 (1980), p 175.
--Otto Renkhoff, Nassauische Biographie (2l992), p 265.
--Germanna Colony email, 10 Aug 2012, reporting research in Siegen Statsarchive.
--B.C. Holtzclaw, Ancestry and Descendants of the Nassau-Siegen Immigrants to Virginia, Germanna (documented many records of the first eight Countze generations from German church records.)
--Lowell L. Koontz, History of the Descendants John Koontz, McLain Printing Co, Parsons, WV, 1979.
--William A. Martin, A Martin Genealogy - Tied to the History of Germanna, VA, Heritage Books, Bowie, MD, 1995. p. 34, 40-41 (Jost Cuntze's will dated 18 Oct 1730 and probated 10 Feb 1731 in Stafford Co, VA)
--Stafford Co, VA Will Book 1729-48, 10 Feb 1731,p. 22 (Joseph Cuntze's will)
--Descendants of Johann Henchin Cuntze, Spreng Publication, email:
--robin0rrb's website,
--Pamela Cooney, website,
--Raymond E. Counts, Counts Family of America, (detailed Counts tree from 1500 to 1850; no sources.)
--Suzanne Collins Matson, Who Were the Members of the First Germanna Colony,, accessed in 2015, well sourced including:
----Will Book A, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, LVA Reel 26, 73-74 (Joseph Cuntz headright).
----Laus Crest patent, Patent Book 14, (Spotsylvania County, VA?), 28 Sep 1732, p. 528; abstracted by Nell Marion Nugent in Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents, Volume III: 1695-1732, p 426 (200 acres; Crest used Cuntz and Hitt headrights.)
----Richard Tutt patent, Patent Book 15, (Spotsylvania County, VA?), 1 Aug 1734, p. 266; abstracted by Nell Marion Nugent in Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents, Volume IV, p. 46 (Tutt used Cuntz and Halscrow headrights.)
Jost was working as a smith or toolmaker on 1 Jan 1699 when he was a member of Steelsmiths and Toolmakers Guild of Ferndorf, Freunlinberg (Kreuztal) which was ~2.5 miles west of Muesen and ~6 miles north of Siegen. The German miners' and ironworkers' living conditions at the beginning of the eighteenth century were poor due to political, economic and religious circumstances, and the prospect of jobs in America represented a great opportunity.
Jost secured permission to leave Germany on 31 Jul 1713. Jost was the first known member of the Counts family to arrive in America. He is also the first of the Counts family for whom there is primary documentation because he and his family were among a small number of immigrants to the well-researched German colony at Germanna, VA. During the summer of 1713 the immigrants from Germany arrived in London where they stayed until passage was secured; they departed England in Jan 1714. This first group of miners and smiths, included twelve heads of families; this group was of the German Reformed Faith.
Although considerable contradictions exist about the process, timing and purpose of the group's immigration, researchers agree Jost and his family were among the immigrants who arrived in Apr 1714 at Tappahannock, VA on the Rappahannock River and then went about twenty miles west of Fredericksburg, VA to establish the Germanna settlement and Lutheran Reformed Parish on the Rapidan River. The immigrants came on a four-year indenture to work as miners, but because of administrative issues for over the first two years of their indentures, the immigrants cleared land, built homes and a protective stockade, and farmed instead of mining. This settlement later became known as Fort Germanna in present-day Orange Co, VA. Initially the miners planned to mine silver for the George Ritter Company, but their efforts were redirected by Virginia Governor Alexander Spotswood first to mining silver and secondly to finding and mining iron. Jost was noted in Virginia as an iron worker. An extensive and thoroughly researched discussion of the immigration process to the German colony at Germanna, VA; the subsequent move to Germantown, VA; and the headright and land patent system in Virginia by Suzanne Collins Matson, entitled "Who Were the Members of the First Germanna Colony?" is recommended reading.
The three naturalized Germanna settlers -- Jacob Holtzclaw, John Hoffman and John Fishback -- acting as trustees for the group bought 1800 acres from the Northern Neck Proprietors. After dividing the land into equally sized lots, they drew straws to assign the lots to the families. When settlers' indenture was completed, probably in Jan 1719 the Germanna settlers moved as a group to Germantown, in present-day Fauquier Co, VA where they began farming again. On 2 Jun 1724 Joseph Cuntz appeared in court to prove his right to 250 acres land based on his family including “Katherin his wife, John his son, Annalis and Kathirina his daughters.” Of the people who applied for their headrights that day, only two -- Spillman and Fitshback -- had the acreage recorded by the clerk. The certificates to take possession of the land were finally issued 30 May 1729 approximately five years after application. Some of the German immigrants sold their headrights; these actions are inferred from grants subsequently issued by the Crown. On 28 Sep 1732 Laus Crest was granted 200 acres using the headrights of Katherine Cuntz, John Cuntz, Peter Hill and Eliza Hill (likely Peter Hitt and wife Elizabeth.) Richard Tutt used the headrights of Joseph Cuntz and Jacob Halscrow among others to patent 800 acres.
Jost's last wife Catherine is thought to have been the same person as the daughter Catherine of Germanna settlers Jacob and Anna Weaver.
Jost's will was dated 18 Oct 1730 in Stafford Co, VA in which he mentions sons Tillman and Henry, both underage. Concern exists because Jost's will did not note his son Johann; some research presumes Johann had returned temporarily to Germany and thus was not included. Regardless of why he was not in Jost's will, Johann was enumerated with his parents both during the 1714 immigration to America and when application for land was made.
Note Jost is sometime confused with his nephew Johann Jost Cuntze, also known as Joseph Coons, who came from Siegen-Wittgenstein and settled about 1724 in the second Germany colony at Little Fork on the Rappanhannock River near Jeffersonton, Culpeper Co, VA.
Spelling of the Cuntze family name in both Germany and America varied. The earliest records indicate Cuntze which became Kuntze. In Virginia the use of both "C" and "K" was common. Spellings of the Countze name in the US : Conce, Coon, Coonce, Coone, Coones, Coons, Coonts, Coontz, Coonze, Counce, Counse, Counts , Countz, Cuntz, Cuntze, Kontz, Koonce, Koones, Koons, Koonts, Koontz, Koontze, Koonz, Koos, Kounce, Kountz, Kuhns, Kuhnts, Kuentze, Kunce, Kunns, Kuns, Kunst, Kunts, Kuntz, Kuntze, Kunz, Kunze, Kuz.
Detailed sources:
--Friedrich Wilhelm Cuno, Geschichte der Stadt Siegen (1872), p 244.
--H.J. Ruetenik, Bahnbrecher der deutschen Reformierten Kirche in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika (1901), p 81.
--Siegerland: Blätter des Siegerländer Heimatvereins (1926), p 49-54.
--William J. Hinke, The 1714 Colony of Germanna, Virginia (1933), p 121.
--Alfred Lück, Erz und Abenteuer (1955), p 28-30, 70.
--Friedrich Wilhelm Bauks, Die ev. Pfarrer in Westfalen von der Reformationszeit bis 1945 (1980), p 175.
--Otto Renkhoff, Nassauische Biographie (2l992), p 265.
--Germanna Colony email, 10 Aug 2012, reporting research in Siegen Statsarchive.
--B.C. Holtzclaw, Ancestry and Descendants of the Nassau-Siegen Immigrants to Virginia, Germanna (documented many records of the first eight Countze generations from German church records.)
--Lowell L. Koontz, History of the Descendants John Koontz, McLain Printing Co, Parsons, WV, 1979.
--William A. Martin, A Martin Genealogy - Tied to the History of Germanna, VA, Heritage Books, Bowie, MD, 1995. p. 34, 40-41 (Jost Cuntze's will dated 18 Oct 1730 and probated 10 Feb 1731 in Stafford Co, VA)
--Stafford Co, VA Will Book 1729-48, 10 Feb 1731,p. 22 (Joseph Cuntze's will)
--Descendants of Johann Henchin Cuntze, Spreng Publication, email:
--robin0rrb's website,
--Pamela Cooney, website,
--Raymond E. Counts, Counts Family of America, (detailed Counts tree from 1500 to 1850; no sources.)
--Suzanne Collins Matson, Who Were the Members of the First Germanna Colony,, accessed in 2015, well sourced including:
----Will Book A, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, LVA Reel 26, 73-74 (Joseph Cuntz headright).
----Laus Crest patent, Patent Book 14, (Spotsylvania County, VA?), 28 Sep 1732, p. 528; abstracted by Nell Marion Nugent in Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents, Volume III: 1695-1732, p 426 (200 acres; Crest used Cuntz and Hitt headrights.)
----Richard Tutt patent, Patent Book 15, (Spotsylvania County, VA?), 1 Aug 1734, p. 266; abstracted by Nell Marion Nugent in Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents, Volume IV, p. 46 (Tutt used Cuntz and Halscrow headrights.)
Children of Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) and Anna Gertrud Reinschmidt
- Johann "John" Cuntze (of Frederick)+ (16 Apr 1706 - 1777)
- Ann Elizabeth "Annalis" Cuntze (23 Dec 1708 - 1778)
- Elizabeth Cuntze (5 Sep 1711 - )
- Christian Cuntze (30 Aug 1712 - )
- Catharina Elizabeth Cuntze (1713 - )
Children of Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) and Catherine Weaver
- Henry Cuntze (of PA)+ (c 1725 - 1798)
- Tillman Cuntze (of MD) (c 1728 - )
- Mary Cuntze (c 1730 - )
- Anna Catherine Cuntze (c 1731 - )
- [S488] Counts Family Records.
Rev Johann Casper "Augustine" Stoever I1
M, ID# 8223, (13 Jan 1685 - 10 Mar 1739)
Father: | Georg F. Dietrich Stover (1653 - 1720) |
Mother: | Magdalena Eberwein (21 Feb 1658 - 1703) |
Charts: | Juanita Bessie Counts * lineage |
Rev Johann Casper "Augustine" Stoever I was born on 13 Jan 1685 at Frankenberg, Waldeck-Frankenberg, Hesse, Germany. He was the son of Georg F. Dietrich Stover and Magdalena Eberwein. Rev Johann Casper "Augustine" Stoever I was christened on 18 Jan 1685 at Frankenberg, Waldeck-Frankenberg, Hesse. He married Gertraudt Anna Friese, daughter of Peter Friesse and Catherine Clauberg, in 1705 at Frankenberg, Waldeck-Frankenberg, Hesse. Rev Johann Casper "Augustine" Stoever I immigrated on 11 Sep 1728 to Pennsylvania. He married Mary Magdalena Poole in 1730. Rev Johann Casper "Augustine" Stoever I was buried at Atlantic Ocean. He died on 10 Mar 1739 at Atlantic Ocean at age 54. His estate was probated on 20 Mar 1739 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His estate was probated at Orange Co, Virginia.
One of Rev Johann Caspar Stoever's baptismal sponsors was John Christian Eberwein, minister and head teacher in the Pedagogium at Giessen, Germany, a which position was held for a long time after by a relative of the Stoevers, John Philip Fresenius. In his youth Johann Caspar, a Lutheran minister, was a teacher at Annweiler am Trifels, Südliche Weinstraße, Rhineland-Palatinate on the eastern slope of the Hartz mountains, and received good testimonials of his descent and his character, which were prepared for him by the elders of the congregation.
Johann Casper journeyed down the Rhine River and departed Rotterdam, Germany with his family on 15 Jun 1728 on the ship James Goodwill captained by David Crokatt with ninety Palatines aboard. The ship departed Deal, England on 15 Jun 1728 arriving 11 Sep 1728 in Pennsylvania ( His first wife Gertraud was included on one of the 1728 immigration records, indicating she did make the trip, although an unsourced reference states she died in Germany in 1728.
Stoever's name has varied in spelling including with and without the S on the end: Steffvers, Stauffers, Stivers, Stavers and Stovers; the word stover in German means one who cleans chimneys. On the passenger list from Germany the names were written as John Casper Steffer, Sr and John Casper Steffer, Jr, but on the official roll of allegiance to England and provincial government their names were written John Casper Stoever, Missionaire and John Casper Stoever, S.S. Theology Student. (Pennsylvania Archives 2nd Series, Vol. VIII, p. 15). They changed the family name to Stoever shortly after arriving in America. Note that because Johann and his namesake son were both significant Lutheran ministers care must be taken is attributing events and actions to each man.
After arrival in Pennsylvania, Johann Caspar may have spent some time in the German settlement at New Bern, NC because his second wife, Maria Magdalena Poole, was from there. He was ordained by Rev John Christian Schulze on 8 Apr 1733, together with his son and namesake, in a barn in Trappe (New Providence), PA where the Providence congregation worshiped.
Early in 1733 Johann Caspar moved to Virginia and became the first minister at the Hebron Lutheran Church in the Germanna colony in Spotsylvania Co in present-day Madison Co, VA.
Marital difficulties and problems with Johann Caspar's mother-in-law ensued. In Mar 1734 Johann Caspar made an "Memorandum of Understanding" agreement with his wife Maria, from whom he was estranged, by which she promised to leave North Carolina and come with their infant son to live in Virginia. In turn he promised to support her adequately and, after making some provision for the children of his first wife, to make her and her children sole heirs of his estate. A parsonage or Glebe House was also constructed as his residence beginning in the fall of 1734.
The time Johann Caspar passed in Virginia as their minister was short -- only about a year and a half, but in that time he did much for his growing congregation and laid the foundation for the future growth and prosperity of the church.
Johann Caspar was often referred to as "Augustine" Stoever. This name appears in the court order given at Fredericksburg in 1734, noted below; in Governor Gooch's recommendation; and frequently in the subscription book. He was certainly called by both names. He signed his name in his printed history and in his will as John Caspar Stoever; the same name is written in the 1733 and 1734 church treasurer's report and also in the subscription book. The 1734 court petition, quoted in part: "On the petition of Michael Holt, Michael Smith, & Michael Clore in behalf of themselves and ye rest of the Germans, seated by the great Mountains on the Robinson River in this County, setting forth that they have a Minister, (Ye Rev. Augustine Stover) who they accomodate, pay and satisfy his salery at y'r own charge, and have already purchased a Glebe & built a house for the use of Y'e S'd Minister...." (Spottsylvania Co, VA Order Book 1730 to 1738, p. 337.)
Johann Caspar was ministering to the needs of his German Lutheran Congregation when he went to England, Holland, Germany in 1735 to raise money to build a new and larger church, establish a school and support an assistant minister. In England and on the Continent Johann Caspar secured contributions in the form of money, books and communion vessels, possibly worth as much as 3000 pounds or between fourteen and fifteen thousand dollars. At Darmstadt, Germany he studied theology diligently for about six months to better prepare himself for his work of preaching. He made his home with his distinguished relative the Rev. John Philip Fresenius, who became his teacher.
Johann Caspar began the return voyage early in 1739, but died at sea. His lengthy will written on board the ship included: ...God ... sendeth sometimes Messengers of sickness...which I also have experienced on my sea voyage from England to Pennsylvania and thence to Virginia. … Now my beloved son John Caspar Stover, Minister in Conastoken, unto thee and Michael Schmidt I do give the full power to do the earnest endeavor for the estate of this Churc h.... Send letters also along to my wife and children because thou hast likewise full orders what thee shouldst distribute for a patrimony to herself and to all my children, that they may come together with the church wardens. There is in ready money four sealed packets, each of it containing 200 pistoles, amounts to 800 pistoles.... Finally concerns the Letters of Attorney, my wife and children, do nominate thee herewith once more that thou the gift I have to everyone bequeathed truly and faithfully distributed -- firstly as touching my beloved wife, it shall be given to her all what she has on catties, horse, swines and all living creatures, all household stuff, bedding, pewter, copper, iron, linnen. In short she shall give to nobody any account in the least of these things notwithstanding this condition, when she during my absence had behaved herself as an honest woman ought to have and that both my office and honor with her tongue not hath blamed or slandered and there with great offense given. In such like case shall all, from the greatest down unto the smallest, even unto the cloaths of her body, be snatched away from her since all from me derives and shall be added as the gift bequesthed by me to the children. All things then thus I have behind me, be it in money, silver, linnen, cloaths, bedding and every sort of goods what I have shall be accounted together in one sum and among my beloved children be equally divided and given unto them, but those out of second wedlock shall receive nothing into their hands until they have reached their respective ages. Thou, my dear son, shall observe them heartily for their education both in Christianity as their livelihood from their money which thou hast in possession.
Here hast thou my beloved son the full letters of attorney and power what I desire of thee.... That this aforewritten with good understanding and fatherly love from me hereunto subscribed through the Schoolmaster, Master John Ebert ... upon sea in my sickness, is written with my own hand and acknowledged with the following evidences for ... John Caspar Stover, Minister of Dutch Lutheran Church in Virginia (subscription is undersealed). Witnessed by Michael Schmidt, William Missing and John Ebert. (Will Book F, p. 126-128, Philadelphia, PA. For English translation, see Will Book, No. 1, Orange Co, VA, p. 84-89 or p. 237-238. The date of the translation at Orange should be 1739 instead of 1738.)
Detailed sources from History of the Hebron Church, Madison Co, VA 1717-1907 (
--Halle Reports, Vol. I., p. 563, and A History of the Lutheran Church in Pennsylvania by Rev. T. E. Schmauk, p. 245, note 291.
--Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. XIV., No. 2, p. 145 and note 6.
--See chancery causes ended September 1890. E.D. Fray, &c., versus Trustees of the Lutheran Church. Also recorded in Deed Book B, Spottsylvania Co., Va., pp. 487, 488.
--Will Book A, p. 54.
--Court Order Book 1730 to 1738 Spottsylvania Co., p. 337.
--Acta Histor. Eccles., Vol Iii., p. 1096. Also Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. XIV., No. 2, pp. 154-155.
--Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. XIV., No. 2, p. 160.
--Hallische Nachrichten, Series No. 2, p. 288.
--Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. XIV., No. 2, p. 147 f.
Johann Casper journeyed down the Rhine River and departed Rotterdam, Germany with his family on 15 Jun 1728 on the ship James Goodwill captained by David Crokatt with ninety Palatines aboard. The ship departed Deal, England on 15 Jun 1728 arriving 11 Sep 1728 in Pennsylvania ( His first wife Gertraud was included on one of the 1728 immigration records, indicating she did make the trip, although an unsourced reference states she died in Germany in 1728.
Stoever's name has varied in spelling including with and without the S on the end: Steffvers, Stauffers, Stivers, Stavers and Stovers; the word stover in German means one who cleans chimneys. On the passenger list from Germany the names were written as John Casper Steffer, Sr and John Casper Steffer, Jr, but on the official roll of allegiance to England and provincial government their names were written John Casper Stoever, Missionaire and John Casper Stoever, S.S. Theology Student. (Pennsylvania Archives 2nd Series, Vol. VIII, p. 15). They changed the family name to Stoever shortly after arriving in America. Note that because Johann and his namesake son were both significant Lutheran ministers care must be taken is attributing events and actions to each man.
After arrival in Pennsylvania, Johann Caspar may have spent some time in the German settlement at New Bern, NC because his second wife, Maria Magdalena Poole, was from there. He was ordained by Rev John Christian Schulze on 8 Apr 1733, together with his son and namesake, in a barn in Trappe (New Providence), PA where the Providence congregation worshiped.
Early in 1733 Johann Caspar moved to Virginia and became the first minister at the Hebron Lutheran Church in the Germanna colony in Spotsylvania Co in present-day Madison Co, VA.
Marital difficulties and problems with Johann Caspar's mother-in-law ensued. In Mar 1734 Johann Caspar made an "Memorandum of Understanding" agreement with his wife Maria, from whom he was estranged, by which she promised to leave North Carolina and come with their infant son to live in Virginia. In turn he promised to support her adequately and, after making some provision for the children of his first wife, to make her and her children sole heirs of his estate. A parsonage or Glebe House was also constructed as his residence beginning in the fall of 1734.
The time Johann Caspar passed in Virginia as their minister was short -- only about a year and a half, but in that time he did much for his growing congregation and laid the foundation for the future growth and prosperity of the church.
Johann Caspar was often referred to as "Augustine" Stoever. This name appears in the court order given at Fredericksburg in 1734, noted below; in Governor Gooch's recommendation; and frequently in the subscription book. He was certainly called by both names. He signed his name in his printed history and in his will as John Caspar Stoever; the same name is written in the 1733 and 1734 church treasurer's report and also in the subscription book. The 1734 court petition, quoted in part: "On the petition of Michael Holt, Michael Smith, & Michael Clore in behalf of themselves and ye rest of the Germans, seated by the great Mountains on the Robinson River in this County, setting forth that they have a Minister, (Ye Rev. Augustine Stover) who they accomodate, pay and satisfy his salery at y'r own charge, and have already purchased a Glebe & built a house for the use of Y'e S'd Minister...." (Spottsylvania Co, VA Order Book 1730 to 1738, p. 337.)
Johann Caspar was ministering to the needs of his German Lutheran Congregation when he went to England, Holland, Germany in 1735 to raise money to build a new and larger church, establish a school and support an assistant minister. In England and on the Continent Johann Caspar secured contributions in the form of money, books and communion vessels, possibly worth as much as 3000 pounds or between fourteen and fifteen thousand dollars. At Darmstadt, Germany he studied theology diligently for about six months to better prepare himself for his work of preaching. He made his home with his distinguished relative the Rev. John Philip Fresenius, who became his teacher.
Johann Caspar began the return voyage early in 1739, but died at sea. His lengthy will written on board the ship included: ...God ... sendeth sometimes Messengers of sickness...which I also have experienced on my sea voyage from England to Pennsylvania and thence to Virginia. … Now my beloved son John Caspar Stover, Minister in Conastoken, unto thee and Michael Schmidt I do give the full power to do the earnest endeavor for the estate of this Churc h.... Send letters also along to my wife and children because thou hast likewise full orders what thee shouldst distribute for a patrimony to herself and to all my children, that they may come together with the church wardens. There is in ready money four sealed packets, each of it containing 200 pistoles, amounts to 800 pistoles.... Finally concerns the Letters of Attorney, my wife and children, do nominate thee herewith once more that thou the gift I have to everyone bequeathed truly and faithfully distributed -- firstly as touching my beloved wife, it shall be given to her all what she has on catties, horse, swines and all living creatures, all household stuff, bedding, pewter, copper, iron, linnen. In short she shall give to nobody any account in the least of these things notwithstanding this condition, when she during my absence had behaved herself as an honest woman ought to have and that both my office and honor with her tongue not hath blamed or slandered and there with great offense given. In such like case shall all, from the greatest down unto the smallest, even unto the cloaths of her body, be snatched away from her since all from me derives and shall be added as the gift bequesthed by me to the children. All things then thus I have behind me, be it in money, silver, linnen, cloaths, bedding and every sort of goods what I have shall be accounted together in one sum and among my beloved children be equally divided and given unto them, but those out of second wedlock shall receive nothing into their hands until they have reached their respective ages. Thou, my dear son, shall observe them heartily for their education both in Christianity as their livelihood from their money which thou hast in possession.
Here hast thou my beloved son the full letters of attorney and power what I desire of thee.... That this aforewritten with good understanding and fatherly love from me hereunto subscribed through the Schoolmaster, Master John Ebert ... upon sea in my sickness, is written with my own hand and acknowledged with the following evidences for ... John Caspar Stover, Minister of Dutch Lutheran Church in Virginia (subscription is undersealed). Witnessed by Michael Schmidt, William Missing and John Ebert. (Will Book F, p. 126-128, Philadelphia, PA. For English translation, see Will Book, No. 1, Orange Co, VA, p. 84-89 or p. 237-238. The date of the translation at Orange should be 1739 instead of 1738.)
Detailed sources from History of the Hebron Church, Madison Co, VA 1717-1907 (
--Halle Reports, Vol. I., p. 563, and A History of the Lutheran Church in Pennsylvania by Rev. T. E. Schmauk, p. 245, note 291.
--Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. XIV., No. 2, p. 145 and note 6.
--See chancery causes ended September 1890. E.D. Fray, &c., versus Trustees of the Lutheran Church. Also recorded in Deed Book B, Spottsylvania Co., Va., pp. 487, 488.
--Will Book A, p. 54.
--Court Order Book 1730 to 1738 Spottsylvania Co., p. 337.
--Acta Histor. Eccles., Vol Iii., p. 1096. Also Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. XIV., No. 2, pp. 154-155.
--Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. XIV., No. 2, p. 160.
--Hallische Nachrichten, Series No. 2, p. 288.
--Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. XIV., No. 2, p. 147 f.
Children of Rev Johann Casper "Augustine" Stoever I and Gertraudt Anna Friese
- Rev John Caspar Stoever II (21 Dec 1707 - 13 May 1779)
- Anna Elisabetha Catherine Stoever+ (1710 - 1750)
- Jacob Stoever (1712 - 1767)
- Johan Michael Stoever (26 Nov 1714 - )
- Maria Katherine Stoever (26 Nov 1717 - )
- Maria Katherine Stoever (13 Apr 1722 - )
- Christine Katherine Stoever (27 Jun 1724 - )
Children of Rev Johann Casper "Augustine" Stoever I and Mary Magdalena Poole
- Philip Stoever (c 1733 - )
- Elizabeth Stoever (c 1735 - )
- [S488] Counts Family Records.
Rev John Caspar Stoever II1
M, ID# 8224, (21 Dec 1707 - 13 May 1779)
Father: | Rev Johann Casper "Augustine" Stoever I (13 Jan 1685 - 10 Mar 1739) |
Mother: | Gertraudt Anna Friese (19 Jan 1687 - 1728) |
Rev John Caspar Stoever II was born on 21 Dec 1707 at Ludendorff, Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. He was the son of Rev Johann Casper "Augustine" Stoever I and Gertraudt Anna Friese. Rev John Caspar Stoever II immigrated on 11 Sep 1728 to Pennsylvania. He married Maria Catarina Merkle on 8 Apr 1733 at Pennsylvania. Rev John Caspar Stoever II died on 13 May 1779 at Lebanon, Pennsylvania, at age 71. He was buried at God's Acre near Hill Church, Lebanon, Pennsylvania.
Rev John Casper Stoever II reportedly born in Luedorff; because of inability to find this village it has been presumed to be Ludendorff, Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.
John traveled with his family to America. He was ordained as a Lutheran minister by Rev Christian Schultz on 8 Apr 1733, the same day he was married, in Trappe, PA and served as a minister from 1731 to 1779. He was reportedly the third minister to come from Germany to America. John was the minister for 48 years of the Lutheran Congregation at Hill Church - the first church in Lebanon Co, four miles northwest of Lebanon, PA.
John became a naturalized citizen on the 24 Sep 1741. Earl Town became the center of his activities until 1742 when he moved to Lebanon Township, Lancaster County, PA. John and several other men formed the Lebanon Land Company under which they purchased large tracts of land and later gave some land to the Evangelical Lutheran Church, called Salem Church. John was a well-dressed colonial minister full of energy and ambition. While he was an educated man, his manner was sometimes violent and rough. John started numerous churches and accumulated a large amount of wealth. He served as scribe for the people on civil matters, such as deeds; many of the old deeds of Lancaster County are in his handwriting. In 1762, he was authorized by the government to issue marriage licenses and then to perform the marriages.
John was presumed to be the minister of Atolheo Lutheran Church, also called Beaver Creek, in Tulpehocken township begun in the 1740s because about 150 baptisms and marriages in his register were performed there between 1746 and 1757.
According to his records, John and his wife had eleven children:
1 Maria Catharina , b. 1734
2. John Casper III b. 1736, m. Barbara Anna Maria NAGEL
3. Anna Margaretha, b. 1738
4. Anna Christina, b. 1740
5. Sophia Magdalena, b. 1743
6. Anna Maria, b. 1746
7. John Adam, b. 1748
8. Tobias, b. 1751
9. Johannes, b. 1753
10. John Frederick, b. 1755
11. John Frederick, b. 1759
Detailed sources:
--"Early Lutheran Baptisms and Marriages in Southeast Pennsylvania, The Records of Rev. John Casper Stoever from 1730 to 1779," index by Elizabeth P. Bentley, Genealogical Publishing Co, Baltimore, MD, 1982.
--Charles H Glatfelter, Pastors and People, Vol 1, Pennsylvania German Society, 1980, p. 238.
--Journal of the Berks County Genealogical Society, Volume 17, issue 3, 1997. (4 pages of Rev Stoever's records "missing from all other publications.")
John traveled with his family to America. He was ordained as a Lutheran minister by Rev Christian Schultz on 8 Apr 1733, the same day he was married, in Trappe, PA and served as a minister from 1731 to 1779. He was reportedly the third minister to come from Germany to America. John was the minister for 48 years of the Lutheran Congregation at Hill Church - the first church in Lebanon Co, four miles northwest of Lebanon, PA.
John became a naturalized citizen on the 24 Sep 1741. Earl Town became the center of his activities until 1742 when he moved to Lebanon Township, Lancaster County, PA. John and several other men formed the Lebanon Land Company under which they purchased large tracts of land and later gave some land to the Evangelical Lutheran Church, called Salem Church. John was a well-dressed colonial minister full of energy and ambition. While he was an educated man, his manner was sometimes violent and rough. John started numerous churches and accumulated a large amount of wealth. He served as scribe for the people on civil matters, such as deeds; many of the old deeds of Lancaster County are in his handwriting. In 1762, he was authorized by the government to issue marriage licenses and then to perform the marriages.
John was presumed to be the minister of Atolheo Lutheran Church, also called Beaver Creek, in Tulpehocken township begun in the 1740s because about 150 baptisms and marriages in his register were performed there between 1746 and 1757.
According to his records, John and his wife had eleven children:
1 Maria Catharina , b. 1734
2. John Casper III b. 1736, m. Barbara Anna Maria NAGEL
3. Anna Margaretha, b. 1738
4. Anna Christina, b. 1740
5. Sophia Magdalena, b. 1743
6. Anna Maria, b. 1746
7. John Adam, b. 1748
8. Tobias, b. 1751
9. Johannes, b. 1753
10. John Frederick, b. 1755
11. John Frederick, b. 1759
Detailed sources:
--"Early Lutheran Baptisms and Marriages in Southeast Pennsylvania, The Records of Rev. John Casper Stoever from 1730 to 1779," index by Elizabeth P. Bentley, Genealogical Publishing Co, Baltimore, MD, 1982.
--Charles H Glatfelter, Pastors and People, Vol 1, Pennsylvania German Society, 1980, p. 238.
--Journal of the Berks County Genealogical Society, Volume 17, issue 3, 1997. (4 pages of Rev Stoever's records "missing from all other publications.")
- [S488] Counts Family Records.
Ann Elizabeth "Annalis" Cuntze1
F, ID# 8225, (23 Dec 1708 - 1778)
Father: | Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) (22 Mar 1674 - Jan 1731) |
Mother: | Anna Gertrud Reinschmidt (1687 - 15 Apr 1714) |
Ann Elizabeth "Annalis" Cuntze was born on 23 Dec 1708 at Oberfischbach, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. She was the daughter of Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) and Anna Gertrud Reinschmidt. Ann Elizabeth "Annalis" Cuntze immigrated in 1714. She married Tillman Weaver, son of John Henry Weaver and Anna Margaret Huffman, a 1728. Ann Elizabeth "Annalis" Cuntze died in 1778.
- [S488] Counts Family Records.
Catharina Elizabeth Cuntze1
F, ID# 8226, (1713 - )
Father: | Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) (22 Mar 1674 - Jan 1731) |
Mother: | Anna Gertrud Reinschmidt (1687 - 15 Apr 1714) |
Catharina Elizabeth Cuntze was born in 1713 at Niederndorf, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. She was the daughter of Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) and Anna Gertrud Reinschmidt. Catharina Elizabeth Cuntze immigrated in 1714. She married Harman Kemper a 1733.
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
Catherine Weaver1
F, ID# 8227, (29 Dec 1697 - )
Father: | John Henry Weaver (1667 - ) |
Mother: | Anna Margaret Huffman (a 1672 - ) |
Catherine Weaver was born on 29 Dec 1697 at Muesen, Germany. She was the daughter of John Henry Weaver and Anna Margaret Huffman. Catherine Weaver immigrated in 1714. She married Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna), son of Johannes Cuntze I and Anna Elizabeth "Elsa" Schuster, in 1724 at Germantown, Fauquier Co, Virginia.
Children of Catherine Weaver and Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna)
- Henry Cuntze (of PA)+ (c 1725 - 1798)
- Tillman Cuntze (of MD) (c 1728 - )
- Mary Cuntze (c 1730 - )
- Anna Catherine Cuntze (c 1731 - )
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
Johannes Cuntze I1
M, ID# 8228, (c 1645 - 1 May 1675)
Father: | Gotthardt "Godert" Cuntze (c 1610 - 4 May 1675) |
Mother: | Elizabeth (Unknown) (a 1610 - ) |
Charts: | Juanita Bessie Counts * lineage |
Johannes Cuntze I was born c 1645 at Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. He was the son of Gotthardt "Godert" Cuntze and Elizabeth (Unknown). Johannes Cuntze I married Anna Elizabeth "Elsa" Schuster on 4 Feb 1666 at Oberfischbach, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. Johannes Cuntze I died on 1 May 1675 at Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen. He was buried on 4 May 1675 at Niederndorf, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.
Johannes Cuntze and his wife Elizabeth Elsa Schuster are said by various researchers to have lived their lives in Siegen or in Niederndorf, two villages about seven miles apart in Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.
A Johannes Cuntze was christened on 11 Nov 1743 in the Evangelisch, Siegen, Westfalen, Prussia, but there is insufficient data to show if he was our ancestor. Further a Maria Elisabeth Cuntze, daughter of Johannes and Cunigunda Cuntze, was christened 27 Mar 1757 at the same church.
A Johannes Cuntze was christened on 11 Nov 1743 in the Evangelisch, Siegen, Westfalen, Prussia, but there is insufficient data to show if he was our ancestor. Further a Maria Elisabeth Cuntze, daughter of Johannes and Cunigunda Cuntze, was christened 27 Mar 1757 at the same church.
Children of Johannes Cuntze I and Anna Elizabeth "Elsa" Schuster
- Tillman Cuntze (c 1668 - )
- Christian Cuntze (c 1670 - 25 Feb 1733)
- Johannes Cuntze II+ (1671 - 11 Feb 1714)
- Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna)+ (22 Mar 1674 - Jan 1731)
- [S488] Counts Family Records.
Anna Elizabeth "Elsa" Schuster1
F, ID# 8229, (1643 - 4 May 1675)
Charts: | Juanita Bessie Counts * lineage |
Anna Elizabeth "Elsa" Schuster was born in 1643 at Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. She married Johannes Cuntze I, son of Gotthardt "Godert" Cuntze and Elizabeth (Unknown), on 4 Feb 1666 at Oberfischbach, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. Anna Elizabeth "Elsa" Schuster died on 4 May 1675 at Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen.
Children of Anna Elizabeth "Elsa" Schuster and Johannes Cuntze I
- Tillman Cuntze (c 1668 - )
- Christian Cuntze (c 1670 - 25 Feb 1733)
- Johannes Cuntze II+ (1671 - 11 Feb 1714)
- Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna)+ (22 Mar 1674 - Jan 1731)
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
Rachel Criner1
F, ID# 8230, (a 1780 - )
Rachel Criner was born a 1780. She married John Counts, son of PVT Nicholas Counts II and Eve Lydge, c 1800.
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
Annie Bean1
F, ID# 8231, (a 1778 - )
Annie Bean was born a 1778. She married William Bent Counts, son of PVT Nicholas Counts II and Eve Lydge, on 10 Sep 1798.
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
Henry Bowen1
M, ID# 8232, (1769 - 1855)
Henry Bowen was born in 1769 at Augusta Co, Virginia. He married Mary Anna Counts, daughter of PVT Nicholas Counts II and Eve Lydge, in 1796 at Grainger Co, Tennessee. Henry Bowen died in 1855 at Madison Co, Arkansas.
Henry Bowen age 80 and his wife Mary Anna Counts age 70 were living in Bowen, Madison Co, AR in 1850 next door to his son Nicholas and his family. Henry owned no land. Also on the same census were:
Nicholas Bowen age 46 with his family;
William B. Bowen and his wife Levisa;
Charles McElhaney with his wife Margaret;
Arthur and Emiline McElhaney;
David Jackson, widower of Anney Bowen;
John S. McElhaney & wife Margaret;
Henry McElhaney and Milley;
William and Nancy McElhaney;
Joseph C. Bowen and Mahaly;
Mary Bowen age 54 b. TN, Thomas Bowen age 14 b TN (unknown who Mary and Thomas were);
Samuel Haney [sic] (unknown if related but was the only Haney family in the area);
Also many Ledbetter and Cox families who intermarried with the above lines were living nearby.
Nicholas Bowen age 46 with his family;
William B. Bowen and his wife Levisa;
Charles McElhaney with his wife Margaret;
Arthur and Emiline McElhaney;
David Jackson, widower of Anney Bowen;
John S. McElhaney & wife Margaret;
Henry McElhaney and Milley;
William and Nancy McElhaney;
Joseph C. Bowen and Mahaly;
Mary Bowen age 54 b. TN, Thomas Bowen age 14 b TN (unknown who Mary and Thomas were);
Samuel Haney [sic] (unknown if related but was the only Haney family in the area);
Also many Ledbetter and Cox families who intermarried with the above lines were living nearby.
Children of Henry Bowen and Mary Anna Counts
- William B. Bowen+ (1796 - c 1870)
- Nicholas Bowen+ (c 1804 - )
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
Elizabeth Howell1
F, ID# 8233, (a 1886 - )
Elizabeth Howell married David Counts, son of PVT Nicholas Counts II and Eve Lydge, on 8 Nov 1806. Elizabeth Howell was born a 1886.
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
Sarah Kidwell Spoone1
F, ID# 8234, (a 1812 - )
Sarah Kidwell Spoone was born a 1812. She married David Counts, son of PVT Nicholas Counts II and Eve Lydge, on 26 Jan 1832.
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
Zachariah Keith1
M, ID# 8235, (a 1783 - )
Zachariah Keith was born a 1783. He married Margaret "Peggy" Counts, daughter of PVT Nicholas Counts II and Eve Lydge, on 16 Jan 1808.
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
Warham Easley1
M, ID# 8236, (a 1786 - )
Warham Easley was born a 1786. He married Catherine Caroline Counts, daughter of PVT Nicholas Counts II and Eve Lydge, on 9 Mar 1811.
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
Martha "Patsy" Hammers1
F, ID# 8237, (17 Oct 1795 - a 1860)
Father: | Joel Hammer (a 1767 - ) |
Mother: | Hannah Otty (a 1772 - ) |
Martha "Patsy" Hammers was born on 17 Oct 1795 at Rockbridge Co, Virginia. She was the daughter of Joel Hammer and Hannah Otty. Martha "Patsy" Hammers married Nicholas Counts III, son of PVT Nicholas Counts II and Eve Lydge, on 29 Aug 1813 at Grainger Co, Tennessee. Martha "Patsy" Hammers died a 1860 at Sainte Genevieve Co, Missouri.
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
David Shields Noe1
M, ID# 8238, (a 1789 - )
David Shields Noe was born a 1789. He married Sarah Counts, daughter of PVT Nicholas Counts II and Eve Lydge, a 1814.
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
Rutha Hammers1
F, ID# 8239, (1 Jan 1793 - 17 Jul 1897)
Father: | Joel Hammer (a 1767 - ) |
Mother: | Hannah Otty (a 1772 - ) |
Rutha Hammers was born on 1 Jan 1793 at Rockbridge Co, Virginia. She was the daughter of Joel Hammer and Hannah Otty. Rutha Hammers married Aaron Counts, son of PVT Nicholas Counts II and Eve Lydge, on 23 Sep 1817. Rutha Hammers died on 17 Jul 1897 at Avon, Sainte Genevieve Co, Missouri, at age 104.
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
Joel Hammer1
M, ID# 8240, (a 1767 - )
Joel Hammer was born a 1767. He married Hannah Otty a 1792.
Children of Joel Hammer and Hannah Otty
- Rutha Hammers (1 Jan 1793 - 17 Jul 1897)
- Martha "Patsy" Hammers (17 Oct 1795 - a 1860)
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
Hannah Otty1
F, ID# 8241, (a 1772 - )
Hannah Otty was born a 1772. She married Joel Hammer a 1792.
Children of Hannah Otty and Joel Hammer
- Rutha Hammers (1 Jan 1793 - 17 Jul 1897)
- Martha "Patsy" Hammers (17 Oct 1795 - a 1860)
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
Mary Stubblefield1
F, ID# 8242, (a 1805 - )
Mary Stubblefield was born a 1805. She married Henry Counts, son of PVT Nicholas Counts II and Eve Lydge, a 1825.
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
Elder John Koontz1
M, ID# 8243, (26 Mar 1739 - 25 Apr 1832)
Father: | Johann "John" Cuntze (of Frederick) (16 Apr 1706 - 1777) |
Mother: | Anna Elisabetha Catherine Stoever (1710 - 1750) |
Elder John Koontz was born on 26 Mar 1739 at Opequon, Frederick Co, Virginia. He was the son of Johann "John" Cuntze (of Frederick) and Anna Elisabetha Catherine Stoever. Elder John Koontz married Elizabeth Baker c 1763. Elder John Koontz died on 25 Apr 1832 at Alma, Page Co, Virginia, at age 93. His estate was probated on 28 May 1832 at Virginia. He was buried at Koontz - Shuler Cemetery, Alma, Page Co, Virginia.
Elder John Cuntz was also known as John Koontz. At John's birth in what is now Frederick Co, VA the sponsors were his uncle Rev John Caspar Stoever, Jacob Neuschanger and Maria Baumann. John's parents Johannes and Anna Elizabeth Catherine were sponsors at Opequon, VA on 29 Apr 1740 for the christening of John, son of Johann Broband. "Jacob Neuschwanger, sponsor of the child John Cuntz in 1739, was the son-in-law of Melchior Brumback, the 1714 Germanna, VA colonist.
John was ordained as a Baptist minster and gained the title of Elder between 1772 and 1775. was a successful minister who
In Oct 1776 John was deeded 86 acres of land in Shenandoah Co, that section that later became Page Co, VA. It is thought John Counts came to live in the Mill Creek section about this same time. John was minister at the Mill Creek Baptist Church for about 50 years. German Mennonites from Pennsylvania sent several ministers to the Shenandoah Valley to work against John and the Baptist movement. Some of the local people opposed John more physically; once while he was on his way to preach he was seized on the road by a mob and was severely beaten. He was later seized and threatened with imprisonment for preaching without authorization. On 25 Aug 1785 John obtained certification to perform marriages in
Shenandoah Co, VA and signed his name clearly Counts.
John and his wife Elizabeth are found in the following Shenandoah Co, VA deeds:
--Oct 1776 David Coffman of Dunmore Co, to John Countz of Dunmore Co, 86 acres as listed before. (Book B, p. 426)
(Note: Part of Shenandoah Co, was known as Dunmore Co until 1778.
--24 Mar 1784 Christian Bumgardner to John Countz, 2 acres on Hawksbill Creek. This is where John lived until another property was purchased in 1814. (Book E, p. 49)
--29 Mar 1786 John Koontz to Daniel Mauck, 86 acres sold him by Coffman and deed signed by John's wife Elizabeth. (Book F, p. 16)
--31 Aug 1786 Lewis Bibber [Biedler] and Barbara his wife to John Koontz, 127 acres. (Book F, p. 239)
--29 Sept 1791 from John Pence to John's son Jacob Koontz. (Book H, p. 204). The 1830 census shows Elder John Koontz and his son Isaac Koontz lived in the prperty's 2 1/2 story log structure with immense rock chimneys at both ends, tiny paned windows and a full cellar beneath. The house was just below the Koontz Shuler Cemetery, Page Co, VA.
--14 Jun 1806 John Koontz, Sr, and Elizabeth his wife to Isaac Koontz, 134 acres bought from Bibber [Biedler] and Coffman. (Book P, p. 201)
-- 27 Aug, 1814 from David and Margaret Huffman to John Koontz; John's home and property just across the Shenandoah River from Alma, VA on the north side of 340 (Book V, p. 303). John willed this property to his children (Book "A", p. 26-27). The house was later deeded to Isaac Koontz and then to Andrew Jackson Shuler (Book E, p. 477; Book G, p. 116-118; Book M, p. 274)
The following was John's will: In the Name of God, Amen - I John Koontz of Shenandoah County and State of Virginia, being in common bodily health and perfect mind and recollection, thanks be unto God for the same - do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner following, (to-wit), Firstly: It is my will that all my just debts should be paid first; Secondly: I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Elizabeth , all the property which I have and possess to her own proper use and enjoyment as she may choose to apply it or find necessary during her natural life time , and after her death, I give and bequeath unto my three sons Jacob, John and Isaac Koontz each one and equal part in that which may remain. As to my daughter, Elizabeth, which is dead I have had given her in her lifetime all which I intended to give her or her heirs. Thirdly: I do hereby appoint my three sons Jacob, John and Isaac Koontz my sole executors of my last will and testament; Fourthly: I do hereby disannul and make void all former wills by me made ratifying, confirming and declaring this and no other to be my last will and testament in witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 14th day of March Eighteen hundred and seven. John Koontz (seal)
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us, John Roads, Joseph Mauch, Jonas Ruffner, David Varner, Christian Aleshire, Benjamin Wood.
Acknowledge before me on the 9th day of Dec 1828, Jos Strickler. At a court held for the county of Page on Monday the 28th day of May 1832, the written will of John Koontz was
produced to the Court by Isaac Koontz and proved by the oath of Jonas Ruffner and Joseph Strickler, witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded, Teste: Wm A. Harris, Clerk
(Will Book A, p. 26-27.)
John was ordained as a Baptist minster and gained the title of Elder between 1772 and 1775. was a successful minister who
In Oct 1776 John was deeded 86 acres of land in Shenandoah Co, that section that later became Page Co, VA. It is thought John Counts came to live in the Mill Creek section about this same time. John was minister at the Mill Creek Baptist Church for about 50 years. German Mennonites from Pennsylvania sent several ministers to the Shenandoah Valley to work against John and the Baptist movement. Some of the local people opposed John more physically; once while he was on his way to preach he was seized on the road by a mob and was severely beaten. He was later seized and threatened with imprisonment for preaching without authorization. On 25 Aug 1785 John obtained certification to perform marriages in
Shenandoah Co, VA and signed his name clearly Counts.
John and his wife Elizabeth are found in the following Shenandoah Co, VA deeds:
--Oct 1776 David Coffman of Dunmore Co, to John Countz of Dunmore Co, 86 acres as listed before. (Book B, p. 426)
(Note: Part of Shenandoah Co, was known as Dunmore Co until 1778.
--24 Mar 1784 Christian Bumgardner to John Countz, 2 acres on Hawksbill Creek. This is where John lived until another property was purchased in 1814. (Book E, p. 49)
--29 Mar 1786 John Koontz to Daniel Mauck, 86 acres sold him by Coffman and deed signed by John's wife Elizabeth. (Book F, p. 16)
--31 Aug 1786 Lewis Bibber [Biedler] and Barbara his wife to John Koontz, 127 acres. (Book F, p. 239)
--29 Sept 1791 from John Pence to John's son Jacob Koontz. (Book H, p. 204). The 1830 census shows Elder John Koontz and his son Isaac Koontz lived in the prperty's 2 1/2 story log structure with immense rock chimneys at both ends, tiny paned windows and a full cellar beneath. The house was just below the Koontz Shuler Cemetery, Page Co, VA.
--14 Jun 1806 John Koontz, Sr, and Elizabeth his wife to Isaac Koontz, 134 acres bought from Bibber [Biedler] and Coffman. (Book P, p. 201)
-- 27 Aug, 1814 from David and Margaret Huffman to John Koontz; John's home and property just across the Shenandoah River from Alma, VA on the north side of 340 (Book V, p. 303). John willed this property to his children (Book "A", p. 26-27). The house was later deeded to Isaac Koontz and then to Andrew Jackson Shuler (Book E, p. 477; Book G, p. 116-118; Book M, p. 274)
The following was John's will: In the Name of God, Amen - I John Koontz of Shenandoah County and State of Virginia, being in common bodily health and perfect mind and recollection, thanks be unto God for the same - do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner following, (to-wit), Firstly: It is my will that all my just debts should be paid first; Secondly: I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Elizabeth , all the property which I have and possess to her own proper use and enjoyment as she may choose to apply it or find necessary during her natural life time , and after her death, I give and bequeath unto my three sons Jacob, John and Isaac Koontz each one and equal part in that which may remain. As to my daughter, Elizabeth, which is dead I have had given her in her lifetime all which I intended to give her or her heirs. Thirdly: I do hereby appoint my three sons Jacob, John and Isaac Koontz my sole executors of my last will and testament; Fourthly: I do hereby disannul and make void all former wills by me made ratifying, confirming and declaring this and no other to be my last will and testament in witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 14th day of March Eighteen hundred and seven. John Koontz (seal)
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us, John Roads, Joseph Mauch, Jonas Ruffner, David Varner, Christian Aleshire, Benjamin Wood.
Acknowledge before me on the 9th day of Dec 1828, Jos Strickler. At a court held for the county of Page on Monday the 28th day of May 1832, the written will of John Koontz was
produced to the Court by Isaac Koontz and proved by the oath of Jonas Ruffner and Joseph Strickler, witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded, Teste: Wm A. Harris, Clerk
(Will Book A, p. 26-27.)
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
Johannes Cuntze II1
M, ID# 8244, (1671 - 11 Feb 1714)
Father: | Johannes Cuntze I (c 1645 - 1 May 1675) |
Mother: | Anna Elizabeth "Elsa" Schuster (1643 - 4 May 1675) |
Johannes Cuntze II was born in 1671 at Oberfischbach, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. He was the son of Johannes Cuntze I and Anna Elizabeth "Elsa" Schuster. Johannes Cuntze II married Catherine Daub on 19 Apr 1696 at Oberfischbach, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen. Johannes Cuntze II married Anna Gertrud Steiger ?, daughter of Heitegen Steiger, in 1704 at Niederndorf, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. Johannes Cuntze II died on 11 Feb 1714 at Niederndorf, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen.
Children of Johannes Cuntze II and Catherine Daub
- Johan Jacob Cuntze (a 1697 - )
- Tillam Cuntze (a 1700 - )
Children of Johannes Cuntze II and Anna Gertrud Steiger ?
- Christian Cuntze (1705 - 18 Jul 1731)
- Anna Margarethe Cuntze (1707 - 18 Jul 1731)
- Anna Maria Cuntze (1709 - )
- Johann Jost Cuntze (of Culpeper) (24 Apr 1712 - 1794)
- Catherin Cuntze (1713 - 1715)
- [S10] Unsourced Data.
Susannah (Unknown)1
F, ID# 8245, (a 1758 - )
Susannah (Unknown) was born a 1758. She married Nicholas Counts I, son of Johann "John" Cuntze (of Frederick) and Anna Elisabetha Catherine Stoever, a 1778.
Child of Susannah (Unknown) and Nicholas Counts I
- Henry Counts (1779 - 21 May 1878)
- [S488] Counts Family Records.
Henry Counts1,2
M, ID# 8246, (1779 - 21 May 1878)
Father: | Nicholas Counts I (1730 - a 17 Jun 1797) |
Mother: | Susannah (Unknown) (a 1758 - ) |
Henry Counts was born in 1779 at Orange Co, North Carolina. He was the son of Nicholas Counts I and Susannah (Unknown). Henry Counts died on 21 May 1878 at Morristown, Hamblen Co, Tennessee.
Henry Cuntze (of PA)1
M, ID# 8247, (c 1725 - 1798)
Father: | Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) (22 Mar 1674 - Jan 1731) |
Mother: | Catherine Weaver (29 Dec 1697 - ) |
Henry Cuntze (of PA) was born c 1725 at Stafford Co, Virginia. He was the son of Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) and Catherine Weaver. Henry Cuntze (of PA) married Dorothy? (Unknown) a 1744. Henry Cuntze (of PA) died in 1798 at Washington Co, Virginia.
Child of Henry Cuntze (of PA) and Dorothy? (Unknown)
- John Cuntze (of Glade Hollow) (c 1745 - )
- [S489] Benjamin Clark Holtzclaw (born 1894), Nassau-Siegen Immigrants to VA.
Tillman Cuntze (of MD)1
M, ID# 8248, (c 1728 - )
Father: | Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) (22 Mar 1674 - Jan 1731) |
Mother: | Catherine Weaver (29 Dec 1697 - ) |
Tillman Cuntze (of MD) was born c 1728 at Stafford Co, Virginia. He was the son of Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) and Catherine Weaver.
- [S489] Benjamin Clark Holtzclaw (born 1894), Nassau-Siegen Immigrants to VA.
Mary Cuntze1
F, ID# 8249, (c 1730 - )
Father: | Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) (22 Mar 1674 - Jan 1731) |
Mother: | Catherine Weaver (29 Dec 1697 - ) |
Mary Cuntze was born c 1730 at Germantown, Fauquier Co, Virginia. She was the daughter of Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) and Catherine Weaver.
- [S489] Benjamin Clark Holtzclaw (born 1894), Nassau-Siegen Immigrants to VA.
Anna Catherine Cuntze1
F, ID# 8250, (c 1731 - )
Father: | Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) (22 Mar 1674 - Jan 1731) |
Mother: | Catherine Weaver (29 Dec 1697 - ) |
Anna Catherine Cuntze was born c 1731 at Virginia. She was the daughter of Jost Joseph Cuntze (of Germanna) and Catherine Weaver.
- [S489] Benjamin Clark Holtzclaw (born 1894), Nassau-Siegen Immigrants to VA.